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The Effects of Divorce on Young Children

Divorce can be a difficult moment for any family, especially for children. Parents are looking for ways to be civil with each other and co-parent at the same time. Some children respond to a divorce in a natural and supportive way while others may face challenges during this change. Is divorce really bad for young children?

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Maintaining a Good Relationship with Your Children After Divorce

Divorce is a big change to both parties and especially to the children. Divorce can be particularly difficult on the kids as they don’t understand all of the details or why everything has suddenly changed. This situation can elicit pain, stress, shock, sadness, or even anger from your children. Some children may even feel guilty, blaming themselves.

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Unlocking Enforcement: Registering Out-of-State Orders in North Carolina

People move every day in the United States. From moving across town to moving across the country, most individuals will experience relocation at least once in their lifetime. Moving is a complicated enough experience. It can become even more complicated when you have family law court orders. These include child support, child custody, or spousal support. The good news is that these orders can be enforced regardless of where you or your ex live. Even if neither of you lives in the state in which the orders were issued, the orders are still enforceable. However, enforcement becomes easier when you register your out-of-state orders in North Carolina.

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10 Tips For Dating After a Divorce

Dating may seem scary for a newly single person, especially for those who are trying to recover from a long and turbulent relationship. It may have been years since the last time you got out there, but here are some things to keep in mind that might help you get ahead.

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The Top Reasons You Can Be Held in Contempt of Court (and How to Avoid These Charges)

Contempt of court is also referred to as contempt. It is a serious matter that refers to the willful disobedience of a court order, or some other conduct that disrupts or disrespects court proceedings. Suppose someone is held in contempt of court. In that case, it means that they did something inside or outside the courtroom to disobey a judge's orders, disrespected a judge or court proceedings, or obstructed the proper administration of justice. Going through family law proceedings can be a difficult and stressful experience. In the heat of the moment, you may do or say something that could be considered contempt without realizing it. This leads to potentially serious repercussions or penalties. To help prevent this from occurring, learn about the reasons why you could be held in contempt of court and how you can avoid facing contempt charges.

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Tips for Handling Father's Day After Divorce

As a father that has recently been separated or divorced, you may be feeling anxious about the upcoming Father's Day holiday. While it is understandable to be dealing with a mix of emotions surrounding this day it is also an opportunity to focus on your children and make this special day memorable regardless of your current circumstances. Here are some tips to make sure Father's Day is a celebrated and positive occasion for you and your children.

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Divorce and Childhood Trauma: What Parents Need to Know

One of the biggest challenges parents face when going through a divorce is trying to help their children cope with this difficult transition. While it is expected that the divorce will be emotional and challenging for both partners, parents may also worry about the potential impact on their children. Is there a chance that their divorce could cause childhood trauma in their children?

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Your Practical Checklist Before Filing for Divorce

Approximately half of all marriages end in divorce. For any number of reasons, what was once a close relationship has become distant or strained. Today, divorce is a straightforward solution to a common problem. The key to a divorce with minimal trauma is planning and preparation. Whether you are planning to part ways as friends or there is a conflict that you need to escape safely, planning can help ensure your divorce is completed as smoothly and quickly as possible. That's why having a divorce checklist can be invaluable in guiding you through the necessary steps to prepare for this major life transition.

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Property Division in North Carolina: Dividing Commingled Assets in Divorce

Aside from child support and co-parenting, property division is one of the major issues during divorce. Disputes often arise, especially when partners have mixed non-marital and marital assets. North Carolina is an Equitable Distribution state. This means that splitting assets on a 50/50 basis is the primary approach. However, courts may allow unequal distribution where the former is considered unfair. Generally, commingled assets are treated as marital assets, subject to 50/50 distribution. However, under the equitable distribution theory, a spouse may be able to get more than 50% if they can demonstrate that a 50/50 allocation is unfair. In this post, I discuss commingled assets and how they affect property division in divorce.

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Revenge Porn: What it is and How to Fight it

If you follow the news, you may have heard about so-called "Revenge Porn," or non-consensual pornography. The term is associated with nude, intimate, or sexually explicit photos, shared by others, without their consent. Because several high-profile celebrities have fallen victim to "revenge porn," it's an issue that many across the country are familiar with, and, unfortunately, it could happen to almost anyone, no matter their age, income, or social status. Cell phone and social media use is almost universal and it's easier now than ever to distribute images across multiple platforms quickly and easily. According to one recent survey, around 35% of women and 38% of men reported sharing intimate photos of themselves with another person at some point in time. When these personal images are then shared with others, or distributed in any way without the consent of the person pictured, this could constitute a criminal offense.

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