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Empowering Your Child for Academic Success During Divorce

Some adults don't believe that children experience stress. But many young people have a lot on their plates – from cyberbullying and identity issues to balancing relationships and academic struggles, being a kid can be challenging. And with the American divorce rate hovering somewhere around 40% – 45%, anxiety related to divorce is another one of those stressors that can take a toll on children's well-being.

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Three Ways to Help Your New Spouse Engage as a Stepparent

Any new marriage is challenging. You're bringing together two entire lives and melding them into one. The challenges can be even greater when your new spouse is also now stepparent to your children. In order to help smooth the transition for your blended family, consider how you may be able to help your new spouse and your children engage and bond with one another.

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Helping Fathers Understand How to Defend Against Parental Alienation

Regardless of the circumstances, divorce is often a challenging ordeal. The situation can become quite intense and frequently volatile, from battles surrounding property settlements and alimony to child support and custody agreements.

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4 Ways You're Sabotaging Your Custody Case

Divorcing is often one of the most challenging processes a person will face. Divorce can be particularly difficult when it involves children and a custody battle. The stresses and challenges of divorce can make it extremely difficult to keep a cool head and act rationally. However, it is essential to remember that being on your best behavior throughout the divorce process is imperative, as the slightest misstep can hurt your chances of achieving a favorable outcome in your child custody case.

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Is Alimony Automatic in Divorce Situations?

Separation and divorce are usually stressful situations. Even when mutually agreed upon, there can still be certain points that are unclear. Alimony is one aspect of divorce that many people don't have an accurate understanding of, although state law specifies the parameters under which these monies are awarded.

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5 Reasons You Need an Attorney for Your Divorce

A DIY divorce sounds less expensive than a traditional divorce. After all, hiring a divorce attorney is costly, right? The truth is, there are several disadvantages to a DIY divorce, and if you choose to go that route, you may find yourself with more challenges and a slower overall process. This decision should not be made lightly as it can impact your financial future. The Law Office of Jana K. Jones, PLLC, is here to help you make an informed decision.

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Dads and Child Support: It’s Your Right

Many fathers going through a divorce don't ask for child support because they believe they are not entitled. There are many reasons why a dad might think this is true, but it's not the case. The money received from child support is to help you care for your child. Especially if you are a father who has primary custody, don't be afraid to investigate this resource – it's not only your right, it's your children's as well.

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Divorce Your Spouse, Not Your Employer: Minimizing the Effects of Divorce in the Workplace

When you're in the midst of a divorce, it can feel like the pressure is coming at you from every angle. Your boss may be breathing down your neck. Your soon-to-be-ex may be sending you nasty notes. You're not taking the time to care for yourself as you should, and if children are involved, you're wondering how all of this is affecting them. Even if your divorce is more or less amicable, the stress of separating from one life and the prospect of starting a new one is often quite daunting and ends up spilling over into your work life.

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Child and Parenting Issues: False Allegations During Child Custody Cases

Did you grow up in a violent household? As a child did you witness the effects of drug addiction or alcoholism from a parent? Perhaps one of your parents was convicted to a crime. If you experienced any of these scenarios growing up, you are aware of the effects it has on all members of the family, particularly children.

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